What Now? | A Post-Grad Recap
On April 14th, 2017, a year's worth of my research, planning, crying, and photographing was showcased in Point Park University’s Senior Thesis exhibition. The project, Rust: Documenting the Steel Valley was shot over the course of a year and edited down from almost 300 photos to about 36. The work took about 10 hours to hang and I was in the gallery until 2 am. Seeing it as a finished body of work on a wall was a trip, as I’d spent almost a year agonizing over this project. The show was phenomenal. I had friends and family come to see my work hung next to my many talented peers (hi, nerds.) My heart was very very full this night.
On April 29th, I walked across a stage, accepted a very expensive piece of paper, and dove headfirst into post-grad existence!
On April 30th, I panicked. I needed a job and a place to live. I tried to stretch the post-grad dream of eating ice cream for dinner and only wearing pjs on for about a week.
Since then, I’ve been making it work. I’ve been doing freelance graphic design and photography and working in a local art gallery. I’ve applied to, at my last count, 97 photography and design jobs since May. I’ve had 4 interviews! No one hired me! Which is okay, because I’m making it work.
I had my own solo exhibition at the Space Upstairs and have had a few projects accepted into local art shows.
Post-Grad existence is hard and also really, really fun. I haven’t picked up my camera for personal work since April. I worked 50 hours in one week and forgot to buy groceries on my only night off because I was too tired. I got a car (that I’ve only locked my keys in once!). I found a place to live with a dear friend in a great part of town and watched an entire paycheck disappear into a rent payment. I’m surrounded by very supportive friends and family. I get to make my own schedule, though some weeks are a lot lighter on work than others. See? Hard and fun!
I’m not sure what’s next but I’m excited for the next adventure (please hire me).